Each of the children and vulnerable adults in our programs will benefit from your support.
Fundraising is a continuous challenge as we witness more need than we have resources to meet.
Any amount is welcome and most needed.
Monthly donations help us plan ahead as we can anticipate how much money is coming in each month.
A donation starting from £5 a month will make such a difference and you can chose which of our holistic programmes you would like to donate to:
Education – A vital programme that provides education for children of all ages through to employment. As well as after school activities and a student sports programme. Your donation ensures some of the most marginalised children in the Philippines can have a future to look forward to.
Livelihood – A programme designed to empower parents, widows, and senior citizens to earn a sustainable regular income by the manufacturing handmade upcycled products, and start-up small business loans.
A donation will help pay for the running costs of the projects and help secure future employment for vulnerable men and women.
Health – A critical programme providing health care services for over 12,500 patients a year. A donation will help provide medicines and hospital tests.
Nutrition – Providing daily meals for the elderly and malnourished children and emergency food packs for children and families. Your donation will ensure those most in need have their basic need for food met.
Social Welfare – Providing counselling and child protection services for the community, referring people in need to access our services and manage emergency and disaster relief.